The Times We Are Living

"This is it. Right here. This moment you're in. This is life." 

It's a cliche phrase but the reality of it hit me today. So much of our youth is spent planning and dreaming. We get in the habit of planning our lives away. We are so obsessed with the next step that we do not live today. We have so much living to do and so much time that has to pass between one milestone and another. But those milestones aren't the only moments where we are really living. 

My grandmother was 53 when I was born. For twenty three years I had the great privilege of living my life with her in it. I wish I could have known her longer. I wish I could have known the Caroline Jean of 1953, 1967, 1975, etc. It's made me realize that there could be someone one day that wished they had known the 2019 me, just like I wish I knew the 1967 Caroline.

We are living in the rushed mornings...
hours behind a desk...
during our commutes and chores...
and our little evenings with quiet dinners-in.

Sometimes the monotony seems insignificant. We long for success and for change and we push to speed on to the next milestone or mission. "What college should I pick" becomes so insignificant compared to "how will we pay for our child's education." But our day doesn't have to be major to add to our lives. We can still build something great by showing love in quiet, un-milestone-y type service. There is meaning in packing lunches, restocking groceries, doing the laundry. 

Is it really monotony or is it the holy, steady beat of eternity in our ears?
